Wie kommt der Strom aus Afrika nach Europa?

Fraunhofer ISE entwickelt Lösungen für Supergrid – effizientes Energienetzwerk für die Zukunft

In Ouarzazate (Marokko) entsteht das größte Solarkraftwerk Nordafrikas. Bereits 2016 soll dort günstiger und emissionsfreier Strom für eine halbe Million Menschen produziert werden. Zukünftig könnten Kraftwerke wie das in Ouarzazate auch Strom für Europa liefern. Um Strom von Kontinent zu Kontinent zu transportieren, ist ein zuverlässiger Netzverbund auch vor Ort Voraussetzung. Das Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE forscht gemeinsam mit weiteren Fraunhofer-Instituten an verschiedenen Aspekten eines solchen Supergrid: an der Modellierung eines geeigneten Energiesystems und an technologischen Lösungen für die Speichertechnik sowie für Gleichstrom-Erzeugungs- und Verteilnetze. weiterlesen…

Europäisches Supergrid möglich

Roadmap on the technological challenges for Supergrid –„Technology to build and operate Supergrid is available today“

As announced at the inaugural conference “Supergrid 2012” on 21 March, FOSG has released a Roadmap on the technological challenges for Supergrid. There are no technology “show-stoppers” to the development of a European Supergrid. For visionary long term planning the availability of key VSC-Grid technologies, such as control and protection methods, main circuit design, grid master control, offshore operation experience and selective fault clearance techniques like DC breakers, can be assumed. This should give confidence to specify grid-enabled point-to-point connections that could be expanded to multi-terminal building blocks for a larger overlaid grid. The critical time-line for introduction of new technology lies primarily in solution of non-technical issues, such as harmonization of Grid Codes, regulatory procedures and revenue models that will create a strong market growth and technology push. weiterlesen…

Towards European Supergrid

“No transition to a secure, sustainable and competitive European electricity system without Supergrid”, say industry leader.

Five grid initiatives, representing a range of global energy actors, today called on decision makers to accelerate the transition to a pan European electricity infrastructure. At their inaugural conference “Supergrid 2012”, the Friends of the Supergrid today signed a Joint Declaration with representatives of Medgrid, the Renewable Grid Initiative and the Desertec Industrial Initiative as well as representatives of the Climate Parliament, calling for action to deliver a European Supergrid. weiterlesen…