Trumps „Energie-Entfesselung“

Goldene Zeit der amerikanischen Energie

Die goldene Zeit der amerikanischen Energie ist jetzt auf dem Weg. Und ich gehe noch einen Schritt weiter: Die goldene Ära von Amerika ist jetzt auf dem Weg. Das können Sie mir glauben. (Beifall.) Und Sie werden alle ein Teil davon sein, um diese aufregende neue Zukunft zu schaffen. Wir bringen dem Kernland neue Chancen, neuen Wohlstand für unsere Innenstädte und neue Infrastrukturen in unserer Nation. Wenn es um die Zukunft des Energiebedarfs Amerikas geht, werden wir es finden, wir werden es träumen, und wir werden es bauen.

Amerikanische Energie wird unsere Schiffe, unsere Flugzeuge und unsere Städte versorgen. Amerikanische Hände werden Stahl biegen und Beton gießen, der diese Energie in unsere Häuser bringt und diese unglaubliche, neu entdeckte Energie in die ganze Welt exportiert. Und amerikanisches Stehvermögen wird dafür sorgen, dass das, was wir träumen, und was wir bauen, wirklich unübertroffen sein wird. Wir werden wieder die Nummer eins sein. Wir werden Amerika wieder großartig machen. Danke, Gott segne Sie und Gott segne Amerika. Vielen Dank.“


Remarks by President Trump at the Unleashing American Energy Event

U.S. Department of Energy – Washington, D.C.

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you, everybody.  Thank you very much.  (Applause.)  How are you? Well I want to thank everybody on stage.  They are really a terrific team.  We have some of the real winners in the audience, too, that I can tell you — some great, great people. I want to thank Vice President Pence.  As always, he’s right there and he has really been a help to this administration.  We have some big things happening today, and we have some very big things happening over the next month, and I guess probably I can say over the next eight years.  I suspect I can say that.  (Applause.)

It’s wonderful to be here with so many pioneers and visionaries from America’s energy industry — great industry.  I want to thank the leaders of our great energy companies for joining us today and for supporting our efforts to bring true wealth and prosperity to our people.  That’s true.  Come on, give yourself a hand.  (Applause.) You deserve it.  You deserve it.  You’ve gone through eight years of hell, and actually I could say even a little bit more than that.  You deserve it.

I also want to express our sincere gratitude to the labor union leaders and members who have joined us today.  Thank you, fellas.  Thank you, thank you.  (Applause.)  Your workers embody the skill, grit and courage that has always been the true source of American strength.  They are great people.  They break through rock walls, mine the depths of the earth, and reach through the ocean floor, to bring every ounce of energy into our homes and commerce and into our lives.  Our nation salutes you.  You’re brave and you are great workers.  Thank you very much.  Thank you, fellas.  (Applause.)

I’m calling on all lawmakers to put the safety of American families first.  And let’s pass these bills through the House, through the Senate, and send them to my desk.  I will give you the fastest approval, the fastest signature that you have ever seen.  Right, Mike?  We will get that signed so fast.  (Applause.)  So when we get back, the first thing I’m going to do is how did we do on the vote?  I expect good things; otherwise I probably wouldn’t be talking about it to be honest with you.  I’d just sort of low-key it a little bit.  (Laughter.)  I don’t like losing.  I don’t like losing.  (Laughter.)  Neither do you folks.  Every member of Congress should vote to save American lives.  Many great members of Congress are here with us this afternoon — some great people, some great, great people.  Thank you very much.  Not only are they working with us on border security, but they share our desire to unleash American energy.I especially want to thank Secretary Perry for his tremendous leadership in this department.  He has really done a terrific job, and he’s also a cheerleader — he’s really a cheerleader.  I watched that in Texas.  The thing that I loved about him — he was always saying how great Texas was.  And if you don’t say it, I don’t know.  You got to say it, right?  And you’re doing it right now with energy.

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